Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement Program

Started in 1955 by the College Board, a national not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity, the Advanced Placement Program (AP) enables students to pursue college-level studies while in high school. AP is the most widespread college preparation program in the world recognized by universities in Canada, the United States and in over 60 countries around the world. Based on their performance on rigorous AP Exams, students can earn transfer credit, advanced placement or both for college or university. By earning Advanced Placement, students may save time and university tuition fees as well as being much better prepared for the rigours of post-secondary education.

Read what Maclean's Magazine had to say about Advanced Placement.

Advanced Placement Courses

OT currently offers AP courses in: grade 12 Economics, Calculus, United States History, Computer Science and Biology. Students taking an AP course will cover and be evaluated on the Ontario curriculum and be eligible to write the AP exams in May. More information about specific AP courses can be found in the OT course calendar.

Advanced Placement Exams

There are currently 30+ AP exams that students can write through OT. Students do not need to take an AP course to write and be successful on AP exams. Students in grade 9 and 10 have successfully written AP exams but we would typically recommend writing them in grades 11 and 12. A student who registers for an AP exam and who is not registered in one of our AP courses would be called an Exam-Only student and self-study for the AP exam.

Advanced Placement is a co-curricular optional school activity and therefore, open to students who attend Oakville Trafalgar High School. Students self-select AP courses during the grade 10 and grade 11 course selection period. Students self-select the option to write AP exams and register for these exams in the fall of each school year for the Spring exams.

For more information regarding AP @ OT please review this slide deck and AP newsletter.

For more information on AP please visit